This seems oddly familiar doesn't it Judy?
Friday, March 26, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
A day to remember
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Oh Caaannnadaaa.....
Welcome to our Newest Canadian!

Kids came too and were invited by the Judge to stand up front with him to sing Oh Canada to conclude the ceremony.
Corinne became a full Canadian citizen today!

Now when does Dad get his French Passport????
A Post Script: Kids just went to bed. 5 min after Simon's lights are out, he just sang the whole National Anthem start to finish, to himself....
I guess it was a memorable day for him too.
Friday, March 12, 2010
ok, here are a couple photos of the 8 year old's party

By mom's request, here are a couple of photos from fiona's 8th birthday party. Thanks to auntie Kaye for the themed decorations. Cake by Mum and not nearly as jaundiced or saggy as the cake that arrived in Brampton. All the red came out of the flesh tone and the wings collapsed en route. This was the "before shipping" shot.
she was yummy though and quite the cake no matter!
High speed by month end if they keep building the tower on schedule.
March break has Fiona with grandparents in Brampton and Toronto
Maybe a bit with her Uncle Lorne
Maybe some skiing if the snow lasts through next Friday.
Hey, if Vancouver can do it .....