Benajmin Turns 12 This week, and blows out the sparklers. See Natalie and Fiona cavorting in the leaves.

We went to an art show last weekend, and fount three very nice pieces to display on the main floor of the new place:
The first is a mixed media piece, with real newsprint, painted over to look very realistically like garlic. It's called "A Clove A Day". Hangs in the kitchen, naturally.

The next piece is 12" x 36", and is a sort of abstract piece but spoke to both of us, in varying ways. It's called "being Risque". Prominenly in the living room. (What do YOU see?)

The last piece is a ceramic mosaic by a friend of ours in McKenzie town, Anja. It's called, appropriately enough, "Sunflower in Red Vase". Dining Room.