Test day a Tecumseh TaeKwon-Do was a success for all testees. Natalie achieved her 2nd promotion to Yellow belt, picutred here with her friend Nikki, who also got the same promotion.

And, after nearly 7 years of TaeKwon-Do work, Today was test day for my 1st Dan.
It wasn't a cake walk, that's for sure. But I came through the other side and was presented with my black belt. I've got some video of my breaking and self defense, which was sort of fun, and I'll post that after I edit it down a bit, and reduce the size.
Pictured at left with the two head instructors, just after they presented it to me.

I don't think it's really sunken in yet. It's been such a long journey to get here, and there's still so much ahead. But it's a significant milestone on the journey.