This weekend was the Provincial Tournament: Natalie and I both entered into our respective divisions to compete in the patterns competition. (Neither of us opted to compete in sparring), And we both won Gold medals in our divisions! I'm just thrilled.
Here's Natalie and her friend Nikki, who was competing in the same division. Niki wo

n Silver in patterns, and Gold in sparring.
Here's Me, in the ring of the competition:

I was very pleased to win first place in the "Executive" division for 1st to 3rd Dan. (That's over 40 years old). There were 6 competing in the patterns at that level, three at 1st Dan, two at 2nd and one 3rd. And competition was pretty tough. Considering I've only been a black belt since June, and I only started learning this pattern in mid September, I'm very happy to have come out on top.
It was very long day: they let our division go early in the day, which frees up the senior belts to help with officiating. I was a corner judge for much of the afternoon.
Our club did very well. Nearly everyone took home hardware. Our head instructor is very proud.