JJ's news: "As of August 14, I will be running the defense policy shop at the Aerospace Industries Association. Not as a lobbyist, but working with the member companies (and they're all the ones you think they are) to figure out how to approach the future -- how to recruit enough engineers, what the defense budget portends for the industry, how (and whether) to grow, shrink, or maintain the industrial base. Lots of fun stuff, including running meetings of COOs with a whip and a chair.
"I won't be in the press as much, or publishing in my own name. That was part of my reluctance in leaving CSIS. But having made a career in the government and think tanks, I'm very conscious of not having been exposed to the incentives and imperatives of the private sector. So this is a chance to see, to learn, and to fill in that hole in the CV. Where it goes, who knows?
"So I am still a defense wonk. Just one with a little less certainty about whether I'm in the right place. But I'll know better once the job starts!
"Also, I get an employee discount on Boeings.
"Here's the official word: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/060724/dcm048.html?.v=51"
and we still await some announcment from J3...
oh; never mind. hadn't checked email yet...
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