This would be a nightmare.... So be prepared. Just about everyone now has a dvd or cd burner on their computer. Take the time to burn a copy of your personal files and digital camera images off to disk. Those pictures are irreplaceable, so don't get caught. Doesn't take long, and it's just good data management.
OH! So that's why they call them 'burners'...
So you got inspired to send this because of...hallowe'en? Or some bad work accident? or some similarly-themed initiative at work that reminded you that your relatives have no less precious data than anyone else?
Miss you!
Actually, I was working on a significant photoshop document when my pc started doing all sorts of cache swapping to disk, and slowing down tremendously. I got scared, did a full virus scan, found 3 viruses, cleaned them, and the problem still wouldn't go away. So I thought I'd better back up my stuff before anything really bad happened. So I backed up all my photos and files to DVD.
Then I decided to remove most of the 5100 fonts I had installed. The problem went away. So the lesson here is that Windows caches all the installed fonts. So get a good font manager and only install the fonts you use all the time, and move in and out those that you use for special needs.
But my harddrive is making curious noises...
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