Dateline: Toronto, Friday June 8th, 2007
A beautiful warm sunny day. Official due date is June 10 or 11. Corinne, Papy and Mamy are off to take Simon for a swim at a local pool. Lorne is trying to sell the Mazda (we just picked up the new Volvo the day before) and get a little bit of work done.
Swimmers arrive home. Corinne says she felt a little something as they arrived and again 20 min later. Braxton Hicks maybe? Regardless, it's time to pack that bag that's been sitting out for a week now.
A relaxing lunch in the yard. Contractions are down to 10 min. Corinne doesn't eat, just in case.

Simon is napping. Contractions are ~5 min apart and definitely uncomfortable. With Simon, 
Parked at the closest spot there was, around back of the hospital. Lorne put 2hrs on the meter, figuring we'll have settled in by then and Lorne will come back and move the car to somewhere long term. We find a wheel chair at the hospital entrance and borrow it to ease the trip to Maternity.
Arrived at maternity triage and were sent back to the reception desk to register and wait. Corinne sits at reception and Lorne returns the wheel chair.
We are told we can now go to the maternity triage and have a seat. A few minutes later Corinne is given a gown, she gets changed and we again sit and wait.

The nurse comes in and asks Corinne to lay down so she can connect the monitor and see how things are going. At that moment, the water breaks. The nurse says, "Oh my. The baby's head is right there...". She starts barking orders to people as Corinne gets wheeled down the hall to a delivery room. Corinne asks "What about my epidural?!". "There won't be time for that." says the nurse.
We are in a lovely deluxe suite and people appear out of nowhere. The on call doctor is in surgery, but there are others on hand.
Corinne isn't impressed with the pain and asks again if she can have the epidural. "Are you sure there isn't time?"
"No. Now push!"
About 4 pushes and a hairy little head is out.
2 more and the shoulders are out.

Weights and measurments are done.

Phone calls tell people the news (and that she will be named tomorrow morning) and to reorganize grandparents coming by with big brother Simon.

She gets her first meal.

Lorne decides to go pick up Mamy, Papy and Simon before the rain storm hits. Grandma will arrive on her own.
Lorne is back at the car before the meter even expired.
Lorne gets home. Simon is still napping but we get him up and head back to the Hospital.
After a short wait while the doctors give Corinne a little checkup.

They say no complications and Mamy and Papy come in with Simon who sees his baby sister for the first time. He is intrigued and happy.
Grandma arrives soaked from the storm to see her 5th grandchild.

Everyone has a lovely visit. Simon sings twinkle twinkle little star repeatedly to his new sister, because he wants to.

Baby girl has a first bath.

They are pretty full so we are told we can just stay in the deluxe room.
Saturday June 9th, 2008, Toronto East General Hospital, Room 713
7 ish
Not much sleep for mom and dad. Baby girl was fine.
The short list is down to but 3 girls names. A tough decision with some last minute suggestions vying for the lead.

Corinne gets breakfast. Lorne heads home to do some computer baby names research, emailing, updating car ads, get some food and back to the hospital by 11.
As promised, we decided on her name. Hence forth she shall be called CHLOE Eliane Bradt.

(Unofficial Aunt) Zara comes by for a visit. Lorne forages for food.
The hearing test lady drops by a couple of times before Chloe is settled enough for the test, which she passes.
24hr blood screening for Chloe. We change her, dress her and strap her in to the car seat for final inspection before we head home.


Grandma arrives for dinner.
Lorne sells the Mazda. The guy wants it NOW, cash, so Lorne drives it up to Markham takes the plates and recruited Grandma drive him back. DONE!
Our first night home.
We begin again with Family V2.0
1 comment:
OMG ... a traffic jam and a few red lights and she would have been born in the car!!
Corinne looks fabulous and relaxed!
We can't wait to meet baby Chloe!
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