The cat run is accessible via my office window, which cats can come and go at thier leisure. The outside door is one-way-in only, so that if Niko is out, he can always come home. If something else figures out how, we may have squirrels or raccoons in the house some night. But I doubt it.

Jasper's house is 2x4 construction, R12 insulated and fully vapour barriered, has the standard ante chamber and main chamber in side. It stands over 5' tall, and is VERY heavy. The roof lifts off for access.

Last but not least, I've been meaning to re-string Grampa's mandolin for quite a while. The tuning gear was a bit of a disaster, so I replaced that too. I knew it wasn't a very valuable instrument, and it probably got played in its time. But the frets are, sadly, not semitones apart. Makes for very curious chords. And the frets themselves are in serious need of re-dressing. But with the new tuning gear, and new strings, it certaily makes music. C, G and D are playable, and only take two fingers each. We can jam at Thanksgiving!
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