WEll, it was a FREEZING day in Lakefield
we were up and out before 7 am to see the Olympic Torch come through our area.
IT had a sunrise start in Peterborough (and I happen to know that runner)
and then up to Lakefield.
WE got there early and Fiona and I went onto the bus where the torch bearers waited for the flame to arrive.
So, she got all their autographs on a Coke Torch banner we had gotten the day before to wave and cheer on the procession.
THE best part was that SHE got to hold the torch!
so, it wasn't lit but still very neat to have happen.
and we could very easily photoshop in a flame, but we won't... yet
we cheered them all on and saw the initial lighting as the sun brightened the day.
from the wee lantern to the flame held high, it was very cool
and then it blew out in the wind
and then they lit it again.
all in a fun winter's morning.
PS: when seeing the torch in your town, watch on the route for round stickers on the telephone poles about 4 inches across with numbers on them that , that is the flame transfer point from one runner to the next.
it's more interesting to see the flame get passed than watch someone you don't know run by.
PLUS if you can see the mini bus, and get there early enough, perhaps YOU TOO can hold the torch.
see if all the kids can do so! I double dog dare you.
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