The weather was awesome
Lorne, Corinne and the kids came up for most of the weekend.
We had fireworks at one of the families from our Church on Friday.
The ducks have been a huge hit since they arrived on Thursday, with many duck baths enjoyed by cousins and even the kids next door.
The sandpile was well used
grass got cut and trimmed - one of my fave jobs on the farm
glenn's hair got cut and trimmed by his niece, nephew and daughter
A baby lamb surprised us by arriving on Sunday evening
sparklers were sparked
food was in abundance
kittens were obtained and went home with the right family
the apple trees were in perfect bloom
storms rolled through but didn't interrupt much
only one trip to Emerg. and that was at 2 am on sunday nite with grown-ups and all was well
got some moppet PR done at the mom2mom sale while CC looked around and the kids bounced in a bouncie castle
Forecasting a hot and dry summer
bring it on!
and take the mosquitoes away. (very nippy this weekend)
hope you had a great one too!
Planning forward for Sheep Shearing day on June 11.
Soccer starts for Fiona tomorrow.
Piano wrapping up with end of year concert on June 6
EQAO testing starts this week - grade 3 fun (not)
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