Miss Fiona had her first Dentist visit today
and all's pretty ok
except she managed a bradt bit of genetics
and has a spare front tooth
that is the reason her little baby tooth fell out 2 years too early.
The exact name for said tooth escapes me
but you can see in the x-ray a tear-drop shaped tooth with the arrow pointing to it.
that's the culprit that had the tooth fairy calling early
and that tooth fairy will be back when that tear drop tooth is extracted sometime later this year or early next.
the teeth with x's are her perm teeth, up where they belong and healthy
the ones with red dots are her baby teeth, down where they belong and also healthy
fun wow
mom and lorne both had extra teeth - Lorne one way up the middle up into the roof of his mouth that needed big time extraction with knocking him out
and mom had one behind her eye tooth and the next molar.
fiona's is definately the earliest and hopefully the easiest to remove.
that's all folks
I took one look at this x-ray and thought "Oh my god, whose feet are they?"
I', glad Fi's doin' OK.
that's so funny
who'd a thunk they looked like feet till you mentioned it.
Its called a supernumery tooth. Cheryl Kielt had one too, so its not all Bradt genetics. Josie (now Robertson).
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