Tuesday, June 20, 2006


On my recent trip to Halifax I did a session of underwater egress training in a simulator that dunked an entire simulated aircraft cockpit from a crane into a giant pool and turned it upside down and -- with instruction each time -- had to open the door underwater and get out and surface.

Albert Bohmier is the company president and invited me. The firm is a past CABC award winner.

Check out www.survivalsystemsgroup.com to find out more about the company.


Lorne said...

Ahh, but who knows the origin of the word "egress"?

ooblio said...

1538, from L. egressus, from egredi "go out," from ex- "out" + -gredi, comb. form of gradi "step, go."

Or is this a reference to PT Barnum?

Judy Bradt said...

It was latin first.

PT Barnum did indeed post a sign, "This way to the Great Egress", and people who went through the curtain found themselves outdoors.