I spent a good deal of Saturday ripping up my latest attempt at lawn repair. Actually more like finishing ripping it up as the Racoons were doing it every night anyway. They flip it up like throw rugs (even though I had hammered in about 30 wooden spikes to hold it) for fun and to get at grubs. So in 2 weeks it was all dead, again. I tried seeding back in may and that was coming along fine for about a month then over 2 days it just all died, again. This time I had to dig down more, put in peat and more soil, spray for the grubs (and ban simon from the yard for now), re-sod, and I got a mesh and made about 40 looped spikes to hold it down. Sunday the Coons only got at a few corners. 10 more spikes in yesterday and today it appears untouched! 400 for the coons, 1 for me!
Simon went to the Riverdale farm yesterday and had a nice time. he sees the cow and goes MOO and does the sign language sign for milk. Smart boy that kid...
I played some baseball while mom and simon went to the pool. And thus went the day. What's up with yooze?
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