Well I just spent 3 hours getting this thing a little more customized. Whatddyall think? you can post a comment about this blog entry by clicking the link at the bottom. Or click the "Post An Entry" link at left, sign in and create your own post to publish.
Since we're posting construction projects, see ours attached.

Of course we added a pic of Simon and his pool...
I had set up a couple of links on the sidebar, including a link back to the Bradt.com site, as well as the maps.google.com site. Always useful. Did you get rid of them, or did we just conflict the update, do ya think?
What took 3 hours? There's not that much stuff to muck with. Are you happy with the current config? I'm not sure if the best way to respond to a post is by the comments, or by starting a new post. Have you sent invites to the whole family? I will send one to Susan, as well, if you haven't done so.
I did send an invite to sue.bradt@shaw.ca and also jj and karen and dad and maybe mom. I'll get judy in there and check the rest.
I took out the sidebar link to bradt.com as we are already looking at bradt.com now! anyone who doesn't have google in the toolbar if not only a google bookmark doesn't know how to use a blog. so ya google maps is fun and useful but so are lots of other sites. I didn't see the direct relation to the site or blog. 3 hrs messing with the html template to get the (right)text smaller and better colours and adding in a direct link to post a new entry right from the blog and getting that to open and function in the frame. It's still got some glitches that show after you have logged in and then try to see the published page in the frame. I would like to get the 'comment' link to be larger and red but have not the time now to find that code in the style section. besides, the hockey game is on now!
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