I suppose these two attachments reflect that we are ready for the Santa Man to get his sleigh on our roof! Thanks to Arlene having all last week off work, we managed to dress the exterior and the inside of the house in just five days.Ge-e-e-e-z-e, but it's a pile of work. It was almost like moving again, what with all of the boxes of decors.
We're looking forward to visiting you on the 31st, as it'll be a lot of fun for all. We're home on Christmas eve. On the 25th and at 7:00 A.M., we are going over to Jerry's where the rest of the Lawlors will be awaiting for the opening of all the gifts. (We have to be there early, so little 2 1/2 year-old John can see that Santa really did arrive!) We will be back here around 2:00 P.M. to get everything ready for the turkey dinner, as we're hosting this year. (I think I'll be looking for a sleep-in on Jan. 1st.;)
'Trust all's well with everyone and I look forward in hearing from Judy and David, during the times when we'll be home on the 25th.
That's about it, for now.
Nice pictures Dad. Everyone is looking forward to seeing you too.
the house looks amazing
you're ahead of us, our treee is up and bare
Hoping glenn (who's now off work till boxing day) can get the lights and decor up before xmas eve!
fiona's concert at school is today - two shows 1 and 7 - so it's a busy day.
my antibiotics are making me nausous -nice side effect. but I didn't take em on a totally full stomach like they said either. hoping today will be better
they did amazing results on day one. my ear infection was nipped in the bud.
fiona's woken up 2 nites in a row with a sore throat-ear-nose ... it's hard to tell what's up
I'm trying to get her into the doc's today just in case and get a script - just in case.
just trying to get ready for ho ho day
will call you today somtime dad and return your call.
we will see you on the 31st. it's another extend-a christmas this year
great to keep on celebrating the best gift of all
Where did you get them pine cones? They're gigantic!
Hello there!
All of those huge pinecones were from Florida. We found 'em all over the place, last April and we brought about a dozen of two sizes back with us. We also managed to get them thru Customs, as thery're unwanted by the Food & Agriculture Ministry.;)
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