anne of green gables was written 100 years ago and to celebrate we were lucky to find a production of the musical and see it as a family what a treat! Fiona and I had chatted through some of the good story elements and she loved the music you should have seen her face when Gilbert "tripped" over Josie Pye's foot and smooshed the ice cream into Anne's face. What a hoot! here is anne with our 'anne' after the show
and before
with her hat
plus shots from cambridge and yes, that IS a baboon on Pam and Mike's antenna DID WE EVER go to African Lion Safari as kids? I don't recall!
and another first this summer GO CARTING! what a speed racer she is it will have to be a regular thing for the family farm visits. back to the track
can't believe the first day of school is one week away.
we've invited friends over tonight and tomorrow for pre-anniversary celebrations and then on the day of our 15th anniversary, glenn's working and we're going to splurge and go out for dinner.
now to put away stuff from the wedding that is STILL on the dining room table!
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